Don’t forget the FAQ…

By Kaiden Best
Published 08/18/2022

If you’ve ever visited a website and found that the answers to your questions were buried in the FAQ page, you know how frustrating it can be. An FAQ page is a great tool for addressing common visitor questions and concerns—but only when it’s done right. Follow these tips and tricks to make your website’s FAQ page as effective as possible.

Why is it so important?

It's important to have a proper FAQ page because it can help you quickly answer common questions and gain the trust of your visitors. It can also help you rank higher in search engines and convert more sales. It’s a win-win!

How to create the perfect FAQ page?

A good FAQ page will be easy to find, read, understand and navigate. If you're not seeing your customers' questions answered in the Help section of your website, you may want to consider creating one. Here are three simple tips for creating a helpful FAQ page:

Make sure your FAQs are easy to find. Your customers should be able to find it at the top of the page they're looking at or by clicking through links on any given page.

Make sure your FAQs are easy to read and understand. The language should be clear and simple so that people who aren't super savvy web users can easily follow along, without becoming frustrated or confused by technical jargon.

Make sure your FAQs are organised logically so users can easily navigate through them without getting lost along the way (either via subheadings within each question or by using breadcrumbs). This format also makes it easier for both humans and search engines!

What content do I need?

Your FAQ page is a great opportunity to address any questions that your prospective customers may have. Some common ones include:

  • What are the benefits of using your product?
  • How does it work?
  • How much does it cost and what payment methods are accepted?

Format for the win!

You will have to decide for yourself what you think looks best, but here's some advice to keep in mind:

  • Use a simple layout - A simple site design is more appealing and easier to navigate
  • Use a simple font - keep it easy on the eyes (such as Helvetica or Arial or any common sans-serif font)
  • Create a clear text hierarchy, bold larger fonts for headings, and simple body text for answers
  • Make your categories clear and specific, so visitors can find what they're looking for easily (like "Tips" or "Videos”)

How should I write my FAQ sections?

You should always use clear and simple language in your FAQs. The language you use should be the same as the rest of your website and match the tone of your audience. Ask yourself, is it appropriate for your audience to use fancy words and show off your degree? It may come across as condescending.

Another helpful tip is to use keywords from your content in the questions and answers so that search engines can better understand what each page is about. This will help quickly answer user questions, sometimes even before they have landed on your website!

If you’re using a tool like WordPress, then you can easily add an FAQ section by installing a plugin such as Yoast SEO or All-in-One SEO Pack (both are free).

FAQ pages can be a valuable asset to your website.

For starters, a FAQs page helps display the information that is most important to your visitors. If you have a lot of information on one page, it might be hard for your visitors to find what they're looking for. By splitting content into multiple questions, you make navigation easier and more convenient for users.

If you're an eCommerce business, then FAQs are even more important. When potential customers have questions about products or services (or if they simply want more information), they'll turn to Google first before clicking through links on social media platforms such as Facebook or Twitter (or even Pinterest). The first result will likely contain that answer right away!

The best part? Creating a good FAQ section doesn't take too much effort—just follow these above tips or discuss with your local web developer.