Australian Domain Name Changes Coming!

Needing a new domain?

Australian Website Domain Name Changes

Have heard about the changes being made to the Australian standard domain naming format? These new changes allow for both the and .au domain extensions to be available. Right now, you can only register the .au version if you have purchased the url, but this is set to change on the 20th of September 2022.

In this article, we’d like to take a moment to answer some potential questions you may have regarding your business and this new change – including potential risks and recommendations for your business.

Should I secure the .au domain name for my website?

This decision is practically a business one. From September 20, it will become possible for other people to register a near identical, shortened domain name of your business and impersonate you online. While this is unlikely, it is always a possibility, and we would like to make you aware of this problem in advance. With an increase in cyber crime world wide, it is always better to be one step ahead.

It’s also worth noting, if an external entity does secure the new domain format first, you will likely be made to pay a large fee to retrieve it later if you change your mind. For these reasons, we would recommend securing this domain name extension for your business.

Why do I need two domains?

Just to be clear, you do not need two domains for a website. The process of securing a domain and making it active are different processes. You are perfectly fine to operate using a single domain. However, if you would like to secure all avenues to your business name online, we recommend securing the .au derivation for your website.

What if I use a or domain?

This will not affect your business. Our team recommends only investing in a .au domain if you would like to secure your business from cyber-attacks or impersonation websites. If this is a concern to you, please get in contact with our team on 03 6281 2650 or contact us via our contact form.

Can Media Marketing Group assist with this?

Yes, we can secure and purchase website domains under a two-year contract. On your request, our team can check to see if your domain is available and secure for you.

If you also host your website with Media Marketing Group, we can redirect this new domain straight to your active website for a small set-up fee.

Where can I learn more about these changes?

If you would like some more information on these changes, please check out the ACSC (Australian Cyber Security Centre) information on this subject via the link below:

New domain name changes could leave your business or organisation at risk

You can also give our friendly team a call on 03 6281 2650 or get in touch via our contact page.